What Does A Constantly Tripping Circuit Breaker Mean?

Are you becoming annoyed by frequent trips to your electrical panel to reset the same breaker that is constantly tripping? Did this issue happen only rarely, but has it recently become a much more frequent occurrence? If the answer is yes, it is time to call a licensed electrician for help before you face damage to your home and electronic devices or even an electrical fire. All three common reasons for an electrical breaker to trip regularly are also potential fire and safety hazards.

A Circuit Overload

A circuit overload is very common in older homes. Unfortunately, older homes were not designed or built to meet the demands of our current lifestyle. There are far fewer outlets in an older home because many electronic devices were not in existence a few decades ago. So it was acceptable to have only two or three spare outlets in a large room. However, that does not meet the needs of today’s homeowners. So the solution is typically the addition of power strips that allow you to plug several items into one outlet.

But the problem arises when the demand you are placing on the outlet exceeds its capability. The wiring is only rated to deliver a set amount of electricity, so excess heat is generated when you exceed that limit. And that heat is what creates the potential for a fire. Fortunately, the breaker on the electrical circuit senses the overload above the wirings rating, and it trips. Essentially, the breaker opens and breaks the completed circuit to protect the wiring and prevent a fire. Unfortunately, by resetting the breaker, you are unknowingly recreating the safety hazard in your home. So any time a breaker trips regularly, it is essential to have it inspected by a licensed electrician to ensure the safety of your home and loved ones.

An Electrical Short

An electrical short occurs when the hot wire comes into contact with the neutral wire. It often happens at an electrical outlet or wire junction due to poor wire connections or a damaged outlet. A short can also occur if the wire is damaged or partially cut. These electrical shorts create extreme heat that can cause an electrical fire and need to be located and corrected by a licensed electrician immediately to ensure your safety.

A Ground Fault

A ground fault is much like a short, except the hot wire is contacting the ground wire. This contact creates a power surge that can damage your electrical devices and start a fire. A licensed professional will need to locate the ground fault and repair the wires to ensure your safety.

If a breaker trips once, it is typically not a reason for concern. However, when the same breaker continues to trip, there is a problem that needs the attention of a licensed electrician. Call (325) 221-3616 to request an appointment with the Legacy Electric experts. Our team will locate the issue quickly and provide you with cost-effective solutions to restore the safety of your electrical system.