hand holding led bulb

Savvy Electricians’ Tips for Energy-Efficient Home Lighting

All homeowners today want to know the best ways to achieve good energy efficiency in their homes. More people are joining the energy conservation movement each day. In addition, everyone has a strong desire to learn cost-saving tips to reduce their utility bills. Our experienced professional electricians offer the following top-rated energy-saving advice for home lighting.

Replace Outdated Electrical Equipment

Electrical panels and boxes, wall outlets, home generators, and electrical wiring should be inspected frequently. Contact your local expert electricians to schedule thorough inspections. Any worn-out, damaged. or outdated equipment and accessories that facilitate lighting should be repaired or replaced.

Choose LED Bulbs

Light emitting diode (LED) bulbs offer long-term use and high levels of energy efficiency. LED lights do not emit heat when in use, and they do not have a visible filament. LED bulbs use as much as 90% less energy than incandescent lights while burning about 25 times longer.

Install Dimmers and Motion-Sensor Lights

You can lower your home’s energy consumption by using only the amount of lighting needed. If you only increase the intensity of your indoor lighting according to your necessary household usage, you can reduce your consumption of electricity. Installing motion-sensor lights also provides convenience and significant energy efficiency.

Use Pendant Lamps and Recessed Ceiling Lighting

Install a pleasing mix of well-focused pendant lamps above seating, table, and desk areas in the rooms of your home. By doing this, you can enjoy good light planning in your everyday home life. The attractive pendant lamps will effectively provide strong direct light for reading, knitting, and other types of detailed work or activities. Your recessed ceiling lights in other areas where strong lighting is not needed will offer a calm, restful, and relaxed atmosphere.

Make Good Use of Natural Light in Daytime

During daylight hours, keep your windows uncovered to admit healthy natural light from outdoors. This can reduce your household usage of artificial light considerably. It will also lessen your daily energy consumption significantly. Use lightweight or sheer curtain fabric, and keep drapes, blinds, or shutters open to gain health-promoting, energy-conserving natural light. Appealing wall mirrors can add fashion and flair to your home decor while helping to reflect more light throughout your rooms.

Look for Future Blue Laser Diode Lights

Professional electricians advise you to look for added energy savings from using blue laser diode lights in the near future. They will provide excellent lighting output at power densities equaling 100 to 1000 times greater than the lighting offered by blue LEDs.

Our top-rated professional electricians can provide their skills and experience to resolve all your residential lighting needs. If you live in or near San Angelo, TX, consult the experts at Legacy Electric for savvy and cost-saving energy efficiency tips for home lighting services.